Woodwork Tool Sharpening Service in Windsor
Do your Chisels or hand plane blades need sharpening? I understand the importance of maintaining ultra-sharp edges, whether you're a hobbyist or professional. Contact me today to rejuvenate your tools at my woodwork tool sharpening service in Windsor.
Woodwork Tool Sharpening
Blunt or nicked edges make accurate cuts and smooth planing impossible. My specialty woodwork tool sharpening service restores your chisels, plane irons and other valued hand tools to better-than-new condition, refreshing worn blades through expert sharpening.
Woodwork Tool Sharpening Prices
Adze, small £7.50
Adze, large £11.00
Drawknife £9.00
Hand plane iron £6.00
Spokeshave iron £6.00
Wood chisel up to 25mm £5.00
Wood chisel over 25mm +£1.00
per 5mm width
Chisels and plane blades are cleaned then hollow ground with a primary bevel only, allowing easy sharpening with a whetstone.
Miscellaneous Tool Sharpening Prices
Tin Snips £6.00

Sorry but I do not sharpen wood turning chisels and gouges or electric planer/thicknesser blade sets.
Woodwork Tool Repairs
If your tools are badly worn or chipped there may be an additional charge to reflect the time it takes to grind the damage out.
Woodwork Tool Repair Prices
Remove chips or wear >1mm
+£3.00 to £5.00
My Professional Woodwork Tool Sharpening Process
To achieve the best results I hollow grind a primary bevel to the correct angle using a bench grinder fitted with an adjustable tool rest and sharpening jig. Afterwards I remove any traces of burr using a leather strop and honing compound to leave a razor sharp edge.
Woodworking tools represent a significant investment. Regular sharpening is a practical way to protect them, extending their lifespan while keeping them dependable and safe to use. Contact me today and book them in at my Windsor woodwork tool sharpening service to keep your edges in peak condition.​​